videohive Brainstorm @opcollection

videohive Brainstorm

This toolkit uses a drawn brainstorm web to illustrate your latest idea! This kit comes with a 30-second open animation, a background for any custom titles or slides, and a left- and right-aligned animated lower third – everything you need to produce a complete, polished video.
All text is customizable and larger text comes with easy placement guides. You can also customize the background color (works best with a lighter color), text color, and the circle and line color.

Created14 March 12
After Effects VersionCS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6
File Size50mb
Requires PluginsNo

temp video


I’m getting the error: “After Effects: this project must be converted from version 8.0 (Macintosh Intel) and will open as an untitled project. “
This isn’t an error. It’s just a notification that the project was made in a lower version of After Effects than you have. That allows users with older versions to use these projects. Since you have a new version than CS3 , After Effects is upgrading the project to your version. You will have to save your project as a new file.
I’m having issues unzipping the file.
The file is compatible with Mac and Windows platforms, but previously had issues unzipping on certain Windows platforms. The file has been fixed, so if you’re still having trouble, re-download and try again.

download link from:click here!

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